A few years ago, a friend of mine decided to quit her job. She had a few other options and avenues she wanted to pursue, and so she met with her boss. She explained that she had decided to leave the company and her boss asked what it would take to keep her. Surprised by his response, she blurted out that it would take a 50% pay increase and the ability to work from home. He agreed without question! Shouldn’t we all be so lucky?. Let me clarify that this is not the norm, nor do we typically encourage taking a counter offer. The truth of the matter is that unless there are extraordinary circumstances, salary negotiation must be a nuanced conversation with an employer, rather than a one-sided position presented to the employer.
Research Homework is vital. While it is important to recognize and believe in your worth and the value you bring to a company, it is essential to know what this and comparable companies actually pay. Your approach in any salary negotiation must be rooted in economic reality first and foremost. .Try to compute the potential value of every component you bring to the table, including your management experience, employment history, education and .soft. skills, and what this combination commands in the marketplace.
Relationship Salary negotiation contains an inherent opportunity to continue the conversation about what you will bring to the company. Your energy, your talent, your knowledge in exchange for a work environment where you will feel valued. Let this be an exchange rather than a debate, because ultimately, it is a relationship that you hope will be productive and rewarding for everyone involved. That is not to say that you must accept the first number offered (and don’t be the first to offer that number if you can help it), but let that be a starting point for a dialogue.
Remember the bigger picture Maybe the salary is not quite the number you were hoping for, but the benefits are fantastic, the commute is brief and office hours are flexible. The quality of life benefits associated with perks like these should not be underestimated.
Reflect Ultimately, each position you consider taking will be multi-faceted. What do you stand to gain, financially and in terms of experience and continuing education, by accepting the role and the associated salary? What do you stand to lose by potentially walking away from the offer? .By reflecting honestly on your short and long-term goals as they relate to the company and the position, you’ll likely find that the numbers you do or do not settle on, feel just right.